Jogging vs. Sprinting: A Complete Comparison

Jogging Vs Sprinting: A Complete Comparison
Jogging Vs. Sprinting: A Complete Comparison –

Most probably, you’d have seen jogging and sprinting being used interchangeably. But they are quite different. Sprinting and jogging are not the same, just as running and jogging are not. So, jogging vs. sprinting: which one is better?

Jogging and sprints are two totally different types of exercise; however, they are both a form of cardio.

  • Jogging is a slow pace steady-state cardio, meaning running at a very low speed and maintaining a constant heart rate.
  • Sprint is a form of HIIT(High-Intensity Interval Training), meaning running at high speed, generally at your total capacity. 

This guide will discuss the differences between jogging and sprinting, following the benefits of both. You might also enjoy reading: Walking Vs. Yoga: Which Is Better?

Table of Contents

Jogging vs. Sprinting: Similarities and Differences

Before we discuss the similarities and differences between jogging and sprinting, it’s better to see what jogging and sprinting mean.

Sprinting is running as fast as you can over a short distance. You can also call it a short-distance race. On the other hand, jogging is a form of physical exercise in which you run at a gentle and steady pace.

Now, what are the differences and similarities between jogging and sprinting? As far as the similarities are concerned, both are forms of running.

Sprinting is a form of interval running and high-intensity interval training (aka HIIT). Jogging is a form of a gentle run at a faster pace than a brisk walk but slower than a regular run, where you maintain the same speed throughout the jog instead of sprinting.

Moreover, the time duration can be the same too for jogging and sprinting. The main difference between them is speed. For example, let’s suppose you are going to train for 30 minutes. You will divide these minutes, let’s say, into short intervals of 30 seconds. In every interval, you will run as fast as you can, as you will run at your top speed.

Now, let’s suppose you are going to jog for 30 minutes. In these 30 minutes, you will just run at a steady pace and maybe listen to music while doing it as well. Jogging is continuous, while sprinting is not.

So, is it better to sprint or jog? Which one of them would help you reduce weight faster? Well, it depends on what you want to achieve. Whether is it just bodyweight that you want to reduce, or is it the perfect body shape that you want to achieve? Knowing the pros and cons of both jogging and sprinting would sort that out for you.

See also: How To Start Endurance Training For Beginners: A Quick Guide

Pros and Cons of Jogging

Below are the advantages of jogging:

Benefits of Jogging:

  1. Jogging is gentle and not hard on your heart and muscles. You train at a slower pace. Thus, it can be the best physical exercise for those who have just recovered from a physical injury and need to activate their muscles and joints.
  2. As jogging makes the heart work, it keeps the heart healthy and, thus, provides cardiovascular benefits.
  3. Though, as you know, jogging is a light exercise than sprinting, still it boosts your adrenaline and releases endorphins. Thus, it can help relieve stress and anxiety.
  4. It can help you stretch and lose your muscles after any hard work.
  5. Jogging helps in reducing cortisol in the body, a hormone released in the body during depression. Thus, it helps depressive people.

Cons of Jogging:

  1. Jogging might not be as effective as simple running. If you were wondering, “Is jogging more effective than running?” then no, it’s not. Because in simple running, the speed is greater than while it is in jogging.
  2. Jogging is just effective for calming the mind down, reducing some weight, relieving stress, and taking the mind off some things. Jogging vs. sprinting can’t grant you many benefits because it is a simple workout.
  3. If you are looking for some extensive workouts for getting in shape, then you should go for sprinting.

Pros and Cons of Sprinting

Pros of Sprinting

  1. Sprinting is an extensive cardio exercise. It makes your heart work for 95%. Thus, it blesses you with great heart health. 
  2. Similar to jogging, sprinting also boosts your mood.
  3. Since it benefits cardiovascular health, it slows down the aging process.
  4. Sprinting is an extensive workout. Thus, it tones your body and helps you get in shape. So, if you were wondering, “Can sprints get you in shape?” Then yes, it definitely can.
  5. Compared to jogging, sprinting helps you reduce weight faster. Because it breaks down glucose and calories faster.
  6. Sprinting also improves flexibility in the body. Since it improves flexibility in the body, it improves the growth of the body. Thus, it is quite beneficial for pre-teens.

Cons of Sprinting

  1. In sprinting, you push your body to the limits, and there are chances that you will start feeling fatigued even before you finish off your sprints.
  2. Beginners are quite likely to quit sprinting because of muscle strains caused by regular sprinting.
  3. The new sprinters can also face joint damage if they don’t follow proper sprinting guides and rules.
  4. Sprinting demands a lot of work from the heart, so it might not prove effective for people with high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases. Instead, it can damage the heart.

So, jogging vs. sprinting: what do you think is right for you? It depends on your fitness level, your health, and your fitness goals.

  • If you are in good shape, you can include sprinting in your workout routine for faster results.
  • If you are a new workout, start with brisk walking, build it up by jogging, and then run the walk method. You can start sprint workouts when you reach a decent fitness level and build up some stamina.

With a proper guide for sprinting, you can benefit from adding sprinting to your regular workout. Here are a few tips to get you started with sprint workouts.

Tips For a Safe Sprint Workout

  1. Take 10 minutes to warm your body up before sprinting.
  2. Don’t go straight for a 30 seconds sprint. First, start with sprinting for 10 seconds in the first week, then for 20 seconds in the 2nd week, and then finally for 30 seconds. In this way, your body will develop the endurance of sprinting.
  3. Take almost a 3-minute break after every interval. It is good, especially for beginners. 
  4. Do sprints for your selected amount of seconds for an interval, do 5 to 6 intervals, and take a few minutes to break after every interval.

Does Sprinting Use Different Muscles Than Jogging?

Both jogging and sprinting target the same muscle groups, including the calves, hips, quads, hamstrings, glutes, and core muscles. But, they activate different kinds of fibers within the muscle group.

Generally, jogging will target slow-twitch (Type I) muscle fibers, which are fatigue-resistant and focused on maintaining smaller movements and postural control.

On the other hand, sprinting targets the fast-twitch (Type II) muscle fibers, providing bigger and more powerful forces for shorter durations and quick fatigue.

Overall, sprinting triggers the fast-twitch muscle fibers, which have more explosive power to develop strength and build muscle mass. On the other hand, jogging triggers slow-twitch muscle fibers, helping you promote endurance with stabilizing results.

Do Sprints Burn More Calories Than Jogging?

If you are busy and have limited time to exercise, jog faster to increase your burn calories. A study found that people can burn more calories when they raise their heart rate.

If you want to burn more calories, I recommend adding sprints to your workout routine instead of jogging.
In addition, sprinting burns fat more effectively than jogging.

Sprint interval training can help burn about 200 calories in 2.5 minutes, leading to weight loss, according to a study.

Next time, try sprinting for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat eight times to burn fat effectively.

Jogging vs. Sprinting: Which One is Better For Weight Loss?

While jogging also helps burn calories, studies suggest sprinting is the best form of cardio for staying in shape and keeping a healthy weight. Studies revealed you could burn 200 calories in just 2.5 minutes of high-impact sprinting. Sprints give you quick bursts of movement, therefore helping you lose weight effectively.

Both jogging and sprinting provide similar advantages in terms of fat reduction, concluded a study issued by the Obesity Reviews. However, going for sprints is better if you are short on time.

Another study found that interval training, including sprinting, reduces 28.5% higher in total absolute fat mass (kg) by more than moderate moderate-intensity continuous training.

Low-volume HIIT appears to be a time-efficient way to increase fitness, but not for improving body composition, found another study.

Final thoughts: Is It Better To Sprint Or Jog?

It depends on your fitness goals and your current level of physical condition. It is better to start with jogging if you are a beginner because sprinting can be intense if you have been inactive or have not run in some time.

The best approach to get started is to start by walking, then build up to a walk-and-jog training, gradually increase your jog time to run non-stop for 30 minutes, and then finally add sprint intervals.

Sprinting can improve your cardiovascular endurance and spice up your runs if you are already a runner, mainly if you do a similar run several times per week.


Hello friends, I am Altiné I am SO excited you are here! I believe in YOUR POWER to transform the world through a healthy lifestyle and diet, and that physical activity and diet are EVERYTHING when it comes to your health and well-being. My goal is to offer you a simple and science-based approach to building muscle, losing fat, getting happy and healthy, and living a meaningful and impactful life for you and your loved ones. So YOU can look better, feel better, live better, and go make more impact. Let’s do it.

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Most probably, you’d have seen jogging and sprinting being used interchangeably. But they are quite different. Sprinting and jogging are not the same, just as running and jogging are not. So, jogging vs sprinting: which one is better?