Pickle Juice Vs. Apple Cider Vinegar: What are the differences

Pickle juice and Apple Cider Vinegar juice have many health benefits. Out of their various advantages, pickle juice has gained increased popularity as an alternative to traditional sports drinks.

Apple cider vinegar (AVC) has also gained increased popularity for its many health benefits, including weight loss, lowering blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol, and improving symptoms of diabetes. So, pickle juice vs. apple cider vinegar: what are the differences?

Read on to find out everything you know about pickle juice and apple cider vinegar, their nutritional values, benefits, and differences between them. You might also enjoy reading: Is Mushroom Actually A Fruit Or Vegetable? (Let’s find out!)

Pickle Juice Vs Apple Cider Vinegar
Pickle Juice Vs. Apple Cider Vinegar: What are the differences – altinify.com

Table of Contents

Pickle Juice Vs. Apple Cider Vinegar: Nutrition Facts

The table below shows the nutrition data for one fluid ounce (31g) of pickle juice. One tablespoon (15 milligrams) of BRAGG’s ACV is given by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Nutrients Pickle Juice (*)Apple Cider Vinegar (*)
Calories25 grams6.2 grams (*)
Protein0.1 grams0 grams
Carbohydrates5.9 grams0 grams
Fat0.1 grams0 grams
Sodium877 milligrams 0 milligrams
Fiber0.1 grams0 grams
Sugars5.7 grams0.4 grams
Potassium5.6 milligrams73 milligrams
Vitamin A0.1% of the daily value0 % of the daily value
Vitamin C1% of the daily value0 % of the daily value
Calcium0.2% of the daily value0.2 % of the daily value
Iron0.3% of the daily value0.3% of the daily value
Pickle Juice Vs Apple Cider Vinegar: What are the differences – altinify.com

From the table above, you can see that both pickle juice and apple cider vinegar contain extremely low fat (apple cider vinegar has zero fat while an ounce (31g) of pickle juice has  0.1 grams

What is Pickle Juice?

Pickle juice is the juicy liquid contained in a jar of crunchy pickles. Instead of throwing the juicy liquid in a pickle jar, people save it to make pickle juice.

Vinegar is also a common ingredient in pickle juice. A study revealed that consuming pickle juice doesn’t cause dehydration-induced hypertonicity for athletes. But the benefits of pickle juice depend on the brand and the ingredients included in the original pickle jar.

Even though drinking pickle juice is generally safe, before trying it, discuss with a doctor the potential risks.

Pickle Juice Vs Apple Cider Vinegar: What are the differences
Pickle Juice Vs Apple Cider Vinegar: What are the differences – https://altinify.com

Benefits Of Pickle Juice

If you’re striving to lose weight, adding pickle juice to your diet can be beneficial for you. Here are some health benefits of this pickle juice. 

1- Pickle Juice Benefits May Help Strengthen Digestive System

If you’re suffering from any digestive system issues, pickle juice is good for you. It will end your fight with your digestive system due to its amazing benefits.

Generally, the naturally fermented pickles and their juice contain helpful microorganisms called probiotics, a microorganism that helps in improving overall health by strengthening the digestive system.

Moreover, these increase the metabolism rate, which helps to fight sicknesses effectively. If you want to get these digestive benefits, try eating a pickle daily.

Experts recommend that you start with a small amount because everybody tolerates sodium and probiotics differently, mainly if you’re drinking pickle juice for the probiotics

2- Pickle juice May Help Improves Overall Mood

Another benefit that the very same microorganism, Probiotic, provides is the improvement of mood. Your digestive system has a close link to your mood. When you are suffering from any digestion issue like diarrhea or diabetes, your mood may also suffer.

However, the use of the normal amount of pickle juice can improve your mood by improving your digestive system. This will help in lowering the effects of depression and anxiety.

3- Pickle juice May Help You Recover Better After Your Workout

In the world of diet and nutrition, the word “electrolyte” refers to minerals dissolved in the body’s fluids, which create electrically charged ions, according to nutrition experts.

Electrolytes are involved in numerous essential processes in your body. The most important electrolytes in food are sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate.

Electrolytes help in the proper functioning of the whole body functions and also help in proper blood flow. However, when you sweat, there is a chance of losing too many electrolytes. Particularly, when you do workouts, your body’s electrolyte level decreases. Due to this issue, your body may feel a lack of calories too. 

Pickle juice is an effective diet to fulfill the desired amount of electrolytes in the body. In short, pickle juice is a natural way to take electrolytes.

But make sure that you take a normal quantity of vinegar-based pickle juices, as a high amount is also dangerous. 

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4- Pickle Juice May Help Regulate Blood Sugar

Though apple cider juice also helps in regulating the blood sugar level, pickle juice is more effective. So, use this natural diet to maintain your blood sugar level. One can’t get such benefits from vinegar-based salads.  

Vinegar can help prevent blood sugar fluctuations revealed in a study.

5- Pickle Juice May Be Effective For Losing Weight

As mentioned above, pickle juice helps maintain the blood sugar level. When your blood sugar level gets normal, you can control your appetite. When you succeed in controlling your appetite, you succeed in losing weight.

Also, the positive effects of this beneficial juice on digestion help you to lose weight. 

6- Pickle Juice Is Rich in Antioxidants

Pickle Juice is rich in beneficial antioxidants. These antioxidants help fight the defective cells that may cause illness. Moreover, this juice regulates the vitamin and mineral levels in the blood, which strengthens our immune system.

When our immune system is strong, our capability to fight sicknesses also increases. 

7- Pickle juice May Help Cure Muscle Cramps

Drinking 1.5 oz (44.37 ml) of pickle juice for every 100 lb (45.36 kg) of body weight can help relieve muscle cramps in 1.5 minutes, found a study.

In addition, drinking pickle juice improves recovery by 45% faster than after drinking no liquid at all.

The researchers concluded that the ingredients in the pickle juice might trigger a reflex in the mouth, transmitting a signal to the nerves to stop cramping. But more research is needed to confirm this effect.

8- Drinking Pickle Juice May Help Treat Hangovers

Since hangovers are sometimes caused by dehydration, the salt contained in pickle juice typically encourages people to drink more water, found a study.

If your hangover includes vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating, which might lead you to be even more dehydrated.
Even though nausea can make it challenging to drink anything, just a few sips of water or pickle juice might help your hangover, according to Harvard experts.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) comes from generally crushed, distilled, and then fermented apples. You can consume ACV in small quantities or take it as a supplement.

The high acetic acid content or other compounds may be responsible for its potential health benefits.

In general, experts recommend taking 1 to 2 teaspoons before or with meals for better results.

Pickle Juice Vs Apple Cider Vinegar- What are the differences
Pickle Juice Vs Apple Cider Vinegar- What are the differences – altinify.com

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

For more about the benefits of consuming apple cider vinegar, you would recommend checking out this detailed article about 24 disadvantages and advantages of drinking Apple Cider Vinegar, according to scientific research.

See also: Top 9 Mistakes People Make When Drinking Taking Apple Cider Vinegar.

Pickle Juice vs. Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Both Apple Cider Vinegar juice and pickle juice are effective in losing weight. However, Apple Cider Vinegar juice is prepared by fermenting crushed Apples. So, it also contains a good amount of vitamins.

Researchers randomly assigned 39 participants to follow a restricted-calorie diet with apple cider vinegar or a restricted diet without apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks.

Even though both groups lost weight, the group that followed a restricted-calorie diet with apple cider vinegar lost more weight.

Another study of 12 people discovered Vinegar increases satiety when consumed with a meal that included bread. 

A 12-week study followed 175 Japanese subjects, ages 25 to 60, split into three groups. 

  • Drank a beverage every day with either one tablespoon of vinegar
  • Drank a beverage every day with either two tablespoons of vinegar
  • Did not drink vinegar at all

 At the end of the 12-week, people who consumed any amount of vinegar had a lower body weight, a lower body mass index, less visceral fat, and a smaller waist size than the placebo group that drank no vinegar.

However, apple cider vinegar might be less effective in helping you lose weight as compared to pickle juice which is rich in Probiotics.

As a fermented product, pickle juice has naturally occurring probiotics that increase transit time in the intestines and improve digestion. Also, pickles juice is low in calories, so it can help you lose weight by helping you adopt a calorie-controlled diet.

In addition, probiotics regulate the blood sugar level in your body. When our sugar level is controlled, our health is also controlled, which might help in healthily losing weight. 

Moreover, when we work out, our blood features a low level of electrolytes. This low electrolyte level can be controlled through the use of pickle juice. It means that one can control his or her appetite through this beneficial juice.

So, which diet can be more effective than this natural diet to lose weight? Daily 1 to 2 tbsp of pickle juice can help you healthily lose weight. Because of its excessive sodium content, pickle juice can prevent weight loss in people already struggling to lose weight, according to some experts.

But remember that weight loss is about torching more calories than you consume, so simply eating pickles won’t melt away the pounds.

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Does Pickle Juice Have Similar Benefits As Apple Cider Vinegar?

  • Pickle juice has more calories than apple cider vinegar (25 grams in Pickle juice vs. 6.2 grams in apple cider vinegar).
  • Pickle juice has more sodium than apple cider vinegar (877 milligrams in Pickle juice vs. 0 milligrams in apple cider vinegar)
  • Pickle juice has more carbohydrates than apple cider vinegar (5.9 grams in pickle juice vs. 0 grams in apple cider vinegar).
  • On the other hand, apple cider vinegar contains more potassium in pickle juice (73 milligrams in apple cider vinegar vs. 5.6 milligrams in pickle juice).

In addition, pickle juice has the same health benefits as apple cider vinegar juice. Pickle juice has a fair amount of vinegar that helps gain the same benefits as that apple cider juice.

Moreover, both these juices are used to lose weight, but apple cider juice has vitamins too. This may lead to healthy food and may result in weight gain instead of loss. So, one should use pickle juice to enjoy the amazing health benefits. 

Can You Use Pickle Juice Instead of Apple Cider Vinegar?

For vinegar-related benefits, one can use pickle juice instead of apple cider vinegar juice. Since pickle juice contains a fair amount of vinegar, it has the same vinegar-related health benefits as apple cider juice.

Use any of these effective natural recipes to have maximum health benefits at a low cost. But you should know that apple cider vinegar also provides nutrients to your skin that can give you a nice glow. 

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Final Verdict 

Apple Cider Vinegar and Pickle juice are two natural diets that help in regulating overall body health. Also, the use of these natural diets helps in improving mood by improving the digestive system. However, there are possible side effects also when one exceeds the daily intake limit.

So, make sure that you take a regular dose of these juices as prescribed by your physician as per your body and health condition. 


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Pickle juice and Apple Cider Vinegar juice have many health benefits. Out of their various advantages, pickle juice has gained increased popularity as an alternative to traditional sports drinks.
Apple cider vinegar (AVC) has also gained increased popularity for its many health benefits, including weight loss, lowering blood sugar levels, reducing cholesterol, and improving symptoms of diabetes. So, pickle juice vs apple cider vinegar: what are the differences?