13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas

You’ll remember it if you’ve been through it once. We’re speaking about gas and the pains it causes in your stomach. It’s an unpleasant sensation that makes you curl up in a ball regardless of where you are. The good news is there are alternatives for lowering and eventually removing the agony. You may try yoga as a natural cure.

According to a study of 8 patients with bloating, it turns out that “moderate physical activity” could help “remove” intestinal gas and ease the bloating symptoms, and steadily shifting from one basic yoga pose to the next is one type of modest physical exercise that practically everyone can accomplish. 

Here are the 13 yoga poses that help with gas:

  1. Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)
  2. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaiasana)
  3. Child’s pose (Balasana)
  4. Extended Wide Squat Malasana 
  5. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
  6. Extended Locust (Salabhasana)
  7. Knees to Chest Pose (Apanasana)
  8. Wide-Legged Forward Bend D (Prasarita Padottanasana D)
  9. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana)
  10. Two-Knee Spinal Twist pose
  11. Twisting Lizard Pose Yoga (Parivrtta Utthan Pristhasana)
  12. Lying Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)
  13. Happy Baby Poses

See also: 6 Yoga Poses for a Healthy Digestive System

13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

Table of Contents

What Yoga Poses Relieve Gas?

A lot of yoga postures exert pressure just on the internal organs, which can help ease symptoms and reduce tension. They help us listen to our bodies better, so we can understand what’s causing the pain in the first place.

Physical exercise, including a stationary bike, enhanced intestinal gas clearance and lowered symptoms of bloating, was found in a study of 8 patients with bloating.

Certain yoga poses might assist you in breathing more freely. Yoga promotes body-wide relaxation. Relaxing your entire body, particularly your bowels, and intestines, can aid in gas elimination.

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Top 13 Yoga Poses That Help with Gas

Here are a few positions which can assist you to pass gas by focusing on specific parts of your body. It’s entirely up to you, but you’ll likely want to do these asanas in privacy.

You can hold these asanas for a long period if you choose to. Pay close attention to your breathing patterns and practice deep breathing. Allow your tummy to extend with each breath. For each exhale, draw the navel closer to the spine.

1- Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawanmuktasana)

This pose would help you relax your hips, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

How To Do Wind-Relieving Pose

  • Begin with a 20-second hold within that position.
  • Lie down and straighten your legs to a 90-degree angle.
  • Bring the thighs into your stomach by bending both knees.
  • Try to maintain a tight connection between your knees and ankles.
  • Encircle your legs with your arms.
  • Take hold of both elbows or grasp your hands together.
  • Either tuck your chin in your chest or put your chin to the knees by lifting your neck.
  • You can also perform the posture one leg at a time.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

2- Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaiasana)

Cat-Cow helps stretch your back, torso, and neck and softly stimulates and strengthens the abdominal organs. It also opens the chest, encouraging the breath to become slow and deep. Coordinating the Cat-Cow pose with your breathing calms the mind and relieves stress.

How To Do Cat-Cow Pose

  • Start in Cow Pose; inhale as you lower your belly towards the mat. 
  • Gently lift your chest and chin, and gaze up toward the ceiling.
  • Widen across your shoulder blades and slowly draw your shoulders away from your ears.
  • Now, move into Cat Pose; as you breathe out, draw your belly to your spine and round your back toward the ceiling. 
  • Gently release the crown’s head toward the mat; however, ensure you don’t force your chin to your chest.
  • Breathe in, come back into Cow Pose, and breathe out as you return to Cat Pose.
  • Repeat about 6 to 20 times, and then relax by sitting back on your heels with your torso upright.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

3- Child’s pose (Balasana)

This asana is to relax your hips, lower back, and legs. It is believed to massage the internal organs.

How To Do a Child’s Pose

  • Get down on your knees and then sit back on your heels.
  • Make sure your knees are at least hip-width away, if not slightly wider.
  • Bend just at your hips and walk slowly, both hands out next to you.
  • Lean your torso on the thighs.
  • Extend the back of the neck and place your brow on the floor.
  • You have the option of keeping your arms outstretched or bringing them along your body with your palms facing up.
  • Allow your stomach to sink into your legs and maintain a little touch on this area.
  • Hold this position for up to 5 minutes.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

4- Extended Wide Squat (Malasana) 

Malasana improves balance and helps with gas, concentration, and focus. It can also increase blood flow and circulation in the pelvis, which can help you regulate sexual energy.

How To Do Extended Wide Squat

  • Stand with your feet a little wider than your hips. 
  • Gently flex your knees and lower your hips down toward the floor.
  • Slowly walk your hands away from your feet and maintain this posture for about five breaths. 
  • Swaying from side to side can help add pressure to different parts of your belly.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

5- Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

This pose helps to improve digestion and also relaxes your body.

How To Do Seated Forward Bend

  • Lie on the folded cushion or blanket with your legs out in front of you.
  • Pull your toes back towards your shins by pressing your heels into the ground. Keep your knees bent slightly.
  • Lengthen your spine by placing your hands alongside it and pressing it into the floor.
  • As you sink into the sit bones, open the center of your heart.
  • Fold forward with an exhale, hinging at the hips.
  • Move your hands in front of your body while you walk. They can be propped up on the floor or between your legs. You can also encircle your feet with your hands clasped.
  • Raise your torso and stretch your spine somewhat with each inhale.
  • Deepen the position with each exhalation.
  • Hold this position for up to 3 minutes. And use a strap all around the soles of your feet to increase the stretch.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

6- Extended Locust (Salabhasana)

Extended Locust (Salabhasana) puts pressure on your belly and helps relieve gas.

How To Do Extended Locust

  • Lie on your belly and breathe in to open the arms and leg
  • Raise your hands and feet as high as you possibly can 
  • Breathe deeply for about five breaths.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

7- Knees to Chest Pose (Apanasana)

Hugging your knees to your chest adds pressure on your abdominals, helping relieve discomfort from gas.

How To Do Knees to Chest Pose

  • Lie flat on your rear with your legs extended and arms at your sides. Bend your right knee and move it up toward your chest. 
  • Hug your knee with both hands while pushing your back, shoulders, and neck into the floor. 
  • As you breathe out, move your forehead up toward your knee. 
  • Maintain a few breaths, release, and repeat with the opposite leg.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

8- Wide-Legged Forward Bend D (Prasarita Padottanasana D)

This wide-legged forward bend (Prasarita Padottanasana D) is a typical yoga pose that puts pressure on the belly to help move gas bubbles.

It is also excellent for relieving back pain, helping you ease any stiffness after a high-intensity training session.

How To Do Wide-Legged Forward Bend D

  • Stand with your legs wider than your hips, and your toes should be pointing forward. 
  • Slightly turn in, place your hands on your hips, and keep your back straight.
  • Start to fold your torso forward from the hips and release your hands. 
  • If this is comfortable, place them on your shins. 
  •  Stretch your arms out in front of you down onto the floor. Your gaze should be on the floor between your hands to intensify the stretch.
  • Slowly walk your hands back so they’re in line with your feet.
  • If you can bring the crown of your head closer to the floor, you should feel the stretch in the backs of your legs through your hamstrings. 

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

 9- Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana)

Bridge Pose helps take pressure off your back and abs while also extending the front body, which generally can play an essential role in relieving gas bloating and discomfort. 

How To Do Bridge Pose

  • Start by lying on your back with your knees flexed and your feet on the ground.
  • Position your feet parallel to each other with heels right underneath your knees.
  • Position your arms by your sides, palms face down.
  • While exhaling, press your feet firmly into the floor.
  • Lift your tailbone off the ground, and gently lower your back and mid-back.
  • Gently lift your chest toward your chin.
  • Hold your thighs parallel, gently hugging the inner knees toward each other.
  • Maintain this pose for about one minute. And then gently release by lowering your hips back down to the floor.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

10- Two-Knee Spinal Twist pose (supta Matsyendrasana)

By rubbing, stretching, and also toning your internal organs, you ease yourself with digestion.

How To Do Two-Knee Spinal Twist Pose:

  • Lie down and draw the legs into the chest by bending your knees.
  • Extend your arms out to the side, aligning them with your shoulders.
  • Make sure your palms are facing the ground.
  • Take a deep breath and pull your legs to the right side of your body.
  • Try to keep the knees as near as possible to each other. They should be at your hip level.
  • Apply pressure on your right knee using your right hand.
  • Shift your focus to the left side of the room. You can also gaze to the right or maintain a neutral neck.
  • Maintain this position for at least 30 seconds before switching sides.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

11- Twisting Lizard Pose Yoga (Parivrtta Utthan Pristhasana)

Twisting Lizard Pose Yoga ( AKA Parivrtta Utthan Pristhasana) will help massage your intestines to move foods along your digestive system.

How To Do Twisting Lizard Pose Yoga

  • From a low lunge with the right knee, gently flex, and rest your left hand on the mat under your shoulder.
  • Gently raise your right arm into the air and slowly twist to the left, gazing behind you.
  • Maintain this pose for about five breaths and then change sides.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

12- Lying Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

As twisting lizard poses, lying Spinal Twist also helps massage your intestines to gently and slowly push things along in your digestive system.

How To Do Lying Spinal Twist Pose

  • Start by lying on your back, gently flexing your knees into the chest for a few breaths. 
  • Stretch your arms out in a T position and gradually lower both knees to the left. 
  • Rest them on the floor and turn your head to the right.
  • Hold for at least five breaths, feeling your spine extend and twist.
  • Use your abs to raise your knees back to the center. 
  • Gradually lower both knees to the right, and look over your left shoulder. 

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

13- Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

This position extends your lower back as well as your inner groin. It aids in the reduction of tension and the relaxation of the mind.

How To Do Happy Baby Pose

  • Lie on your back with both knees bent and also the soles of your feet viewing the ceiling.
  • Allow the lower back to sink into the floor. Rolling backward toward your shoulders is not a good idea.
  • Bring your hands to the feet’ outside edges.
  • Pull the legs down with your hands as if you want to take your knees to the floor.
  • To generate resistance, keep pressing into your hands and through the soles of your feet.

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Yoga Poses That Help With Gas
13 Yoga Poses That Help With Gas – altinify.com

Final Thoughts

Pick a few poses among these 13 yoga poses that help with gas and do them for instant relief to get things moving and start feeling better.

Whenever you are feeling extremely shaky, practicing yoga will help you get back on track. And while practicing, breathe deeply into your stomach, and relax. It may also be beneficial to drink some water and tea, and listen to soothing music.


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You'll remember it if you've been through it once. We're speaking about gas and the pains it causes in your stomach. It's an unpleasant sensation that makes you curl up in a ball regardless of where you are. The good news is there are alternatives for lowering and eventually removing the agony. You may try yoga as a natural cure